Erisneur Android Apps

Tebak Gambar Hewan 1.0
Erisneur Android
Apakah kamu pecinta Binatang? buktikan kemampuan Anda untuk menebakHewan dengan permainan ini! sehingga Anda dapat mengukurpengetahuan anda tentang nama Binatang dengan memain game tebakhewan ini.  KUIS TEBAK GAMBAR HEWAN adalah permainan yangmenyenangkan mengenai binatang, tetapi Anda tidak akan mudah untukjawaban setiap tingkatan karena dalam game ini Anda harus menebaknama bintang dengan huruf dan ejaan yang benarJika Anda sulit menjawab kuis ini dalam level tertentu, Anda dapatmengklik HELP di pojok kiri atas.★ FITUR BANTUAN   - Hide 3 Letters     Ini berarti 3 huruf yang salah dalam gameini akan disembunyikan, sehingga Anda dapat lebih mudah untukmenjawab Nama hewan tetapi Anda harus membayar biaya 40 koin untukpenggunaan bantuan ini   - Discover Any Letter    artinya 1 huruf jawaban yang benar akan munculdari layar anda, sehingga Anda dapat lebih mudah untuk menjawabnama Binatang tetapi Anda harus membayar biaya 25 koin untukpenggunaan bantuan ini   - Discover 1st Letter    artinya kata pertama yang benar akan muncul darilayar anda, sehingga Anda dapat lebih mudah untuk menjawab namahewan tetapi Anda harus membayar biaya 10 koin untuk penggunaanbantuan ini★ CARA BERMAIN TEBAK GAMBAR HEWAN   - Lihat gambar Binatang di layar Anda   - Tebak nama Binatang dengan kata yang tersediadalam game ini   - Jika anda berhasil menebak nama binatang makaAnda akan mendapatkan koin reward   - Jika Anda gagal untuk menjawab nama Bintang Andaakan kehilangan 5 koin  ★ TIPS BERMAIN GAME INI   - Anda harus memiliki pengetahuan yang baik TentangNama Hewan dan binatang   - Pastikan ejaan yang benar dari nama Binatang   - Anda Harus Tahu Nama hewan dan binatang yangterdapat pada soalAre youanimal lovers? prove your ability to guess Animals with this game!so you can measure your knowledge of animal names with this animalguessing game fingering.FIGURE ANIMAL QUIZ CRUSH is a fun game about animals, but youwill not be easy to answer every level because in this game youhave to guess the names of the letters and correct spellingIf you have trouble answering the quiz in a certain level, you canclick HELP in the top left corner.★ FEATURES HELP- Hide 3 LettersThis means that 3 letter wrong in this game will be hidden, so youcan be easier to answer the name of the animal, but you have to pay40 coins to use this assistance- Discover Any Letter1 letter means the correct answer will appear on your screen, soyou can be easier to answer the name of the Beast, but you have topay 25 coins to use this assistance- Discover 1st Letterthe true meaning of the word first appears on your screen, so youcan be easier to answer the name of the animal, but you have to pay10 coins to use this assistanceHOW TO PLAY ★ CRUSH ANIMALS IMAGES- See the picture on your screen Beast- Guess the name of the beast with the words available in thisgame- If you managed to guess the name of the beast then you willget a coin reward- If you fail to answer your star name will lose 5 coins★ TIPS TO PLAY THIS GAME- You must have a good knowledge on animal and animal name- Ensure the correct spelling of the name of the Beast- You Need to Know Names of animals and animal matter containedin
Guess Football Players Quiz 1.0
Erisneur Android
Are you football lovers ? prove your abilityto guess the football player with this game ! so you can measurethe knowledge of famous football players with this football gamequiz.GUESS FOOTBALL PLAYERS QUIZ fun games about football players, butyou will not easy to answers each level because in this game youshould guess football player with 2 word that are First Name andLast Name of football players :)If you stuck in some some level you can click HELP in top leftcorner .★ FEATURES HELP- Hide 3 LettersIt mean 3 false word in this game will be hide, so you can moreeasily to answer football player name but you must pay cost 40coins for use this help- Discover Any Letterit mean 1 word correct answer will show in your box answer , so youcan more easily to answer football player name but you must paycost 25 coins for use this help- Discover 1st Letterit mean first correct word will show in your box answer , so youcan more easily to answer football player name but you must paycost 10 coins for use this help★ HOW TO PLAY GUESS FOOTBALL PLAYER- Look Football Player pictures in your screen- Guess the footballer name with available word in this game- If you success Guess football players name you will get coinsreward- If you fail to answer football player names you will lost 5coins★ TIPS TO PLAY THIS FOOTBALL GAME- You must have good knowledge About Football Players- Make sure correct spelling of footballer name- You Must Know First name and last name football playersNOTE:Every images/pictures in this game use wikipedia picture withCreative Common License (can Re-use again for comercialpurpose)BUT, if you had any copyright problem , contact us at : YOUMUST HAVE STRONG PROVE ABOUT THE OWNERSHIP THIS WIKIPEDIA IMAGES!!
Guess The Car Brands 1.0
Erisneur Android
Do you like Car ? prove your ability toguesscar brands with this game ! so you can measure the knowledgeoffamous car brands with play this game quiz.Car Brands QUIZ fun games about car brands, but you will not easytoanswers each level because in this game you should guess carbrandswith less Clue...★ FEATURES HELP- Hide 3 LettersIt mean 3 false word in this game will be hide, so you canmoreeasily to answer car brands name but you must pay cost 40 coinsforuse this help- Discover Any Letterit mean 1 word correct answer will show in your box answer , soyoucan more easily to answer car brands name but you must pay cost25coins for use this help- Discover 1st Letterit mean first correct word will show in your box answer , so youcanmore easily to answer car brands name but you must pay cost 10coinsfor use this help★ HOW TO PLAY GUESS Car Brands- Look Car Brands pictures in your screen- Guess the car brands name with available word in this game- If you success Guess car brands name you will getcoinsreward- If you fail to answer car brands names you will lost5coins★ TIPS TO PLAY THIS basketball GAME- You must have good knowledge About car brands- Make sure correct spelling of car brands name- You Must Know First name and last name car brandsNOTE:Every images/pictures in this game use and picture Search fromGoogle withCreative Common License (can Re-use again forcomercialpurpose)BUT, if you had any copyright problem , contact us at : itachi.ninjas@gmail.comYOUMUST HAVE STRONG PROVE ABOUT THE OWNERSHIP THIS WIKIPEDIAIMAGES!!
Logo Quiz-Social Media 1.0
Erisneur Android
LOGO QUIZ-SOCIAL MEDIA is fun and populargamesabout guess logo in google play. and in this game you mustchoosecorrect answer on your screen phone. but remember in thisgame youonly 3 lives for play this game. it mean you don't choosewronganswer more than 3 times . so answer with carefully :)★ HOW TO PLAY GUESS FOOTBALL PLAYER- Look logo social media pictures in your screen- Guess logo picture with available choise in this game- If you success Guess Logo name you will get coins reward- If you fail to answer logos quiz names you will you live 1.- and you only have 3 live in this game
Guess The Country 1.0
Erisneur Android
Do you Know Every Country in this World ?proveyour ability to guess the all country with this game ! so youcanmeasure the knowledge of famous all countrys with this guessflagcountry.GUESS THE COUNTRY QUIZ is a fun games about guess all country,butyou will not easy to answers each level because in this gameyoushould guess all country With Correct name and spelling . inthisgame available 104 Flag country to guessIf you stuck in some some level you can click HELP in topleftcorner .★ FEATURES HELP- Hide 3 LettersIt mean 3 false word in this game will be hide, so you canmoreeasily to answer all country name but you must pay cost 40coinsfor use this help- Discover Any Letterit mean 1 word correct answer will show in your box answer , soyoucan more easily to answer all country name but you must pay cost25coins for use this help- Discover 1st Letterit mean first correct word will show in your box answer , so youcanmore easily to answer all country name but you must pay cost10coins for use this help★ HOW TO PLAY GUESS THE COUNTRY- Look all country pictures in your screen- Guess the Country name with available word in this game- If you success Guess a country name you will getcoinsreward- If you fail to answer a country names you will lost 5coins★ TIPS TO PLAY GUESS THE COUNTRY- You must have good knowledge About All Flag Country- Make sure type correct spelling of name country- You Must Know picture flag countryNOTE:images/pictures Flag in this game use from Common License (can Re-use again forcomercialpurpose)BUT, if you had any copyright problem , contact us at :
Cat Wallpapers Android 1.0
Erisneur Android
Hello cats lovers !!!Are you Lookin for awesome cats wallpaper ???This apps is the answer :)This apps include 40 Awesome wallpaper cats ready to use foryourAndroid smartphone . I hope you can enjoy and happy to use allcatsimages in this apps became to your background or wallpaper foryoursmartphoneFeatures:- Easy save image To your Storage- Easy set Image as WallpaperNote: All images in this app use pixabay with permission:freelyuse any Pixabay image without attribution in digital andprintedform, even for commercial applications.
Tebak Bendera Negara 1.0
Erisneur Android
Apakah Anda Tahu Setiap Negara di Duniaini?Buktikan kemampuan Anda untuk menebak semua negara denganpermainanini! sehingga kamu dapat mengukur pengetahuan kamutentangmengenali semua bendera negara terkenal di dunia.  TEBAK BENDERA NEGARA adalah permainan yangmenyenangkantentang menebak semua negara, tetapi Anda tidak akanmudah untukjawaban setiap level karena dalam game ini Anda harusmenebak semuanegara Dengan nama dan ejaan yang benar.di dalam gameini ada 103negara yang harus kamu tebakJika kamu sulit menjawab di level tertentu, kamu bisa meng-klikHELPpojok kiri atas untuk membantu menjawab pertanyaan dalam gameini.★ FITUR BANTUAN   -HIDE 3 LETTER     Ini berarti 3 kata yang salah dalamgameini akan di hilangkan, sehingga Anda dapat lebih mudahuntukmenjawab semua nama negara tetapi Anda harus punya minimal 40koinuntuk penggunaan bantuan ini   - Discover Any Letter    Ini berati 1 huruf jawaban yang benar akanmunculdi layar handphone/tablet anda, sehingga Anda dapat lebihmudahuntuk menjawab semua nama negara tetapi Anda harus punyaminimal 25koin untuk penggunaan bantuan ini   - Discover 1st Letter    Ini berati huruf pertama jawaban yang benarakanmuncul di layar handphone/tablet anda, sehingga Anda dapatlebihmudah untuk menjawab semua nama negara tetapi Anda haruspunyaminimal 10 koin untuk penggunaan bantuan ini★ CARA BERMAIN TEBAK BENDERA NEGARA   - Lihat semua gambar negara di layar Anda   - Tebak nama Negara dengan kata yang tersediadalamgame ini   - Jika Anda sukses Tebak Gambar dan nama negarayangAnda akan mendapatkan koin reward   - Jika Anda gagal untuk menjawab nama negaraAndaakan kehilangan 5 koin  ★ TIPS BERMAIN GAME TEBAK GAMBAR BENDERA NEGARA   - Anda harus memiliki pengetahuan yang baikTentangSemua Flag Negara   - Pastikan Jenis ejaan nama negara   - Anda Harus Tahu gambar bendera negaraCATATAN:  gambar / foto Flag ini digunakan permainandari dengan LisensiUmumKreatif (dapat Re-digunakan lagi untuk tujuan komersial)Do you Know Each Stateinthis World? Prove your ability to guess all of the countrywiththis game! so you can measure your knowledge about recognizingallknown state flag in the world.CRUSH STATE FLAG is a fun game of guessing all states, but youarenot going to be easy to answer because each level in this gameyouhave to guess all countries with names and spellings benar.diinthis game there are 103 states that you must guessIf you are difficult to answer in a certain level, you can clickthetop left corner HELP to help answer the question in this game.★ FEATURES HELP-HIDE 3 LETTER3 This means that any word in this game they will be removed,sothat you can more easy to answer all country names but you havetohave at least 40 coins to use this assistance- Discover Any LetterIt means 1 letter correct answer will appear in the display phone/tablet you, so that you can more easy to answer all thecountrynames but you have to have at least 25 coins to usethisassistance- Discover 1st LetterIt follow that the first letter of the correct answer will appearinthe display phone / tablet you, so that you can more easy toanswerall the country names but you have to have at least 10 coinsto usethis assistanceHOW TO PLAY ★ CRUSH STATE FLAG- View all the images on your screen state- Guess the name of the State with the words available inthisgame- If you are successful Guess the Picture and the name ofthecountry that you will get a coin reward- If you fail to answer the name of the country you will lose5coinsPLAY GAME TIPS ★ CRUSH STATE FLAG PICTURES- You must have a good knowledge on All Flag Negara- Make sure the type the country name spelling- You Need to Know flag stateNOTE:picture / photo This flag is used the gameof Public LicenseCreative(can be re-used again for commercial purposes)
Guess The Animal Quiz 1.0
Erisneur Android
Do you like Animal ? prove your abilitytoguess animals name with this game ! so you can measuretheknowledge of famous animals with this Guess The AnimalQuizgame.GUESS animals QUIZ fun games about animals, but you will not easytoanswers each level because in this game you should guessanimalswith correct and complete name.If you stuck in some some level you can click HELP in topleftcorner .★ FEATURES HELP- Hide 3 LettersIt mean 3 false word in this game will be hide, so you canmoreeasily to answer animal name but you must pay cost 40 coins forusethis help- Discover Any Letterit mean 1 word correct answer will show in your box answer , soyoucan more easily to answer animal name but you must pay cost25coins for use this help- Discover 1st Letterit mean first correct word will show in your box answer , so youcanmore easily to answer animals name but you must pay cost 10coinsfor use this help★ HOW TO PLAY GUESS The ANIMALS QUIZ- Look animal pictures in your screen- Guess animals name with available word in this game- If you success Guess animals name you will get coinsreward- If you fail to answer animal names you will lost 5 coins★ TIPS TO PLAY THIS ANIMALS GAME- You must have good knowledge About animals- Make sure correct spelling of animals name- You Must Know First name and last name animalsNOTE:Every images/pictures in this game use PixaBay image withCreativeCommon License (can Re-use again for comercial purpose)
Kids Math 1.0
Erisneur Android
Do you like mathematics? prove your abilitytoanswer all maths numbers question with play this game ! so youcanmeasure your skill to answer math question.KIDS MATH is a fun games about Maths Quiz For Kids and thisgamereally fun for educational your kids about mathematics andcountnumber , but you will not easy to answers each level if youhavelack to answers mathematics questionIf you stuck in some some level you can click HELP in topleftcorner for answer mathematical quiz game. .★ FEATURES HELP- Hide 3 LettersIt mean 3 false word in this game will be hide, so you canmoreeasily to answer maths question name but you must pay cost 40coinsfor use this help to get more easily answer mathematical- Discover Any Letterit mean 1 word correct answer will show in your box answer , soyoucan more easily to answer maths question name but you must paycost25 coins for use this help to get more easily answermathematicsnumber in this kids math game- Discover 1st Letterit mean first correct word will show in your box answer , so youcanmore easily to answer maths number question name but you mustpaycost 10 coins for use this help★ HOW TO PLAY MATH QUIZ GAME FOR KIDS- Look maths quiz question pictures in your screen- Answer Question mathematical in this game- If you success answers math game question name you willgetcoins reward- If you fail to answer kids math numbers questions you willlost5 coins★ TIPS TO PLAY THIS MENTAL MATH KIDS GAME- You must have good brain to count answer this mental mathgame(for kids game)- You must like mathematical educational in your school :)and this mathematics game only for kids to get educationaboutskill count maths number with if you are an teenager or adult person you do not play thiskidsmath game because this question in this game number is too easyforyou :)NOTE:images/pictures Flag in this game use from www.Pixabay.comwithpublic domain (can Re-use again for comercial purpose with nolinkattribution)